Underground waters explore and market analysis by water transport companies in São Paulo / Campinas metropolitan area / Avaliação da situação da explotação e comercialização das aguas subterraneas por empresas de transporte de agua a granel nas regiões metropolitanas de São Paulo e Campinas




The environmental subject in Brazil, in terms of administration of water resources, constitutes a contemporary subject of the largest importance and it faces ompetence controversies in face of the legislation and attributions in the federal and state extents. The present work seeks to draw a survey of the activity of transport of drinking water through trucks, regularity degree and the existent conflicts in the legislation that regulates the exploration of underground water. It still has the purpose of systematizing the form howit happens in our State the administration and the fiscalization of this activity, the fiscalization organs and control, besides studying the quality of the water of those companies and the service levei to the effective legislations in a vision law s monopoly attributed supply water concessionaires. To draw a survey of the subject water resources in terms of alternative solution of drinkable water supply, in few lines, it is the target of the present study that evaluates as the activity of water transport in bulk comes if developing in the studied regions. The study allowed to conclude that there are companies of port who execute the activity of structuralized and enterprise form, with massive investments in the underground water production and the logistic apparatus. It was verified, through the generalization of common data to the studied companies, who the companies are organized in the form of an association, which encloses the São Paulo territory alI. For the accomplishment of the research, they had been harvested given before public agencies that permit and fiscalize the underground water exploration, Associação Paulista de Aguadeiros and in the visits of field carried through in ali the companies associates. Thus, this work aims at to collaborate so that the subject more is spread out between the society, therefore as noble and exhaustible resource, it does not remain doubt of that in this century the society as a whole will fulfill to an importantpaper in the preservation and right distribution of the water resources


underground water drinking water recursos hidricos agua potavel transporte aguas subterraneas - aspectos ambientais through trucks water resources

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