Under regency of fear: press, power and slave uprising in Rio de Janeiro, 1835 / Sob a regência do medo: imprensa, poder e rebelião escrava na Corte Imperial, 1835




The present work studies the fear of slave uprising through discourses and public politics published in Rio de Janeiros press. It aims to analyze, through the thematic of fear, the discussions about slavery in the Regency period in Brazil (1831-1840). The repercussion in the press, regarding the Malê uprising which occurred in Bahia in the year of 1835, generated an ambience of fear and paranoia capable of giving legitimacy to violent and arbitrary actions against the whole of the black population. The violent verification of the strategic capacity involved in the organization of the revolt caused a rupture in the discourse that interdicted intellectual capacity to the black population. The main hypothesis is that the great fear that swapped 1835, implementing juridical, political and suppression-surveillance measures, was a result of this phenomenon, which was effective in the construction of an environment of generalized fear and paranoia that will henceforth be called permanent tension zone. This tension zone made possible the usage of fear by different political tendencies. Fear produced heuristic effects, creating discourses intended, in accordance to its political intentions, to name the threats to society and point suitable measures to quell them. On top of that, fear produced political effects, in the sense that it created public policies to disarm the danger of insurrection in the Court. Lastly, the discourse that supported the coming of European colonists became generalized. This measure, supported as a means to end slavery, is understood as a way to delay its abolition and to guarantee the continuation of the profitable slave market.


rebelião escrava regência historia do brasil regency imprensa slave uprising press

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