Uma releitura da subordinação / A reconsideration of subordination


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The legal subordination is an indispensable element for the characterization of the employment relationship, base of the standards of labor law. Considering this is wich fundamental importance to understand its real meaning and dimension in the contemporary context of profound changes in the workplace, including altering the way the law is part of the reality. The subordination of labor to capital creates a group of holders of manpower that need the necessary protection of labor law. This analysis is important to understand the world of labour and the necessary legal protection conferred on it by the labor law. This study is looking to shed on these structural issues to increase labor protections and regulate the labor relations from the values of the function of labor and the improvement of economic and social conditions of workers.


capitalismo direito do trabalho employment relationship labour law legal subordination produtive organization relação de emprego subordinação

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