Uma proposta para modelagem de funções de gerenciamento para processamento distribuido aberto




This work performs a study of the ISO ITU-T Open Distributed Processing Reference Model, with emphasis on the management functions of the model. A study of the management functions is presented, with a refinement of the functions, and to validate the main ideas a prototype implementation of the model was developed. The chapter 1 of the text presents a general description about the ODP and RM-ODP with their main concepts. In chapter 2 is showed a study in details of the engineering model of the RM­ODP and it is described their component objects and the RM-ODP functions, besides a study of the interaction of the functions. The principal focus is the management functions that are the central point of this work, such functions are presented in chapter 3 with more details. The fourth chapter presents a set of data structures and concepts to the mo­deling of the management functions, this chapter is result of the implementation of a prototype with emphasis to the management functions. In the last chapter the main difficults in the elaboration of this work, and the main contribuitions of this work, are presented. The existent limitation and possibles extensions of the work are also presented, such as suggestions to the future works


processamento eletronico de dados - processamento distribuido

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