Uma proposta de sensoriamento remoto de temperatura para controle de condicionadores de ar utilizando o padrão IEEE 802.15.4




The proposal of this work is to implement a wireless sensor network in order to demonstrate the feasibility to remotely monitor the temperature for the control system of domestic air conditioners. The main objective is to develop an IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor network in order to send the temperature from different regions of a refrigerated room for the control system of the air conditioner aiming to improve the temperature control. So, first, a study of the gradient of temperature existing in a room refrigerated by a traditional air conditioner system is presented and, after that, some experimental results of the temperature control using the wireless sensor network are showed. These results appoint that the temperature control system is improved by using the network regarding to the average temperature of the places where the sensors are located. A LabVIEW based application for a hand computer has been developed to monitor and configure the network. For the wireless communication, a development kit from Freescale has been used.


automacao eletronica de processos eletricos e industriais redes de sensores sem fio automação de sistemas protocolo de comunicação ieee 802.15.4, controle de temperatura

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