Uma nova sigla surge na educação de jovens e adultos : ensino de jovens, adultos e adolescentes, EJAA : fenômeno migratório de adolescentes oriundos do diurno




In this paper will be showed the theme A new Paradigm in Youngs an Adults Education: the teenagers migration from the day turn, provoking substantial changings in EJA transforming it and making a new arising of the sign: Youngs Teaching, Adults and Teenagers EJAA, which we will talk about more closely, dividing the subject in three chapters. The First chapter, Youngs and Adults Education will tell about the historical retrospective in Brazil on Youngs and Adults Education, the Laws that command EJA and the social-cultural theory of learning. The Second chapter named Documental Study on EJA will tell about the considerations about the existent informations in the tables, the quality s education for everybody as a Brazilian historical debt on the importance of the psycho pedagogical work on Youngs and Adults Education. As for the Third chapter, it will do an emphasis to the learning and sharing alphabetization and also will try to aim ways that may avoid the conflict and discrimination of teenagers with adults in the night turn.


adults fenômeno migratório adolescentes novo paradigma new paradigm alfabetização discriminação educaÇÃo comunitÁria jovens alphabetization migratorian phenomenon youngs adultos teologia teenagers discrimination

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