Uma nova abordagem para a noção de quase-verdade / A new approach to the concept of quase-truth




Newton da Costa and his collaborators have introduced the notion of quasi-truth by means of partial structures, and for this purpose, they conceived the predicates as ordered triples: the set of tuples which satisfies, does not satisfy and can satisfy or not the predicate, respectively (the latter represents lack of information). This approach provides a conceptual framework to analyse the use of (first-order) structures in science in contexts of informational incompleteness. In this Thesis, the notion of predicates as triples is extended recursively to any complex formula of the first-order object language. From this, a new definition of quasi-truth via the notion of pragmatic satisfaction is obtained. We obtain the proof-theoretic counterpart of the logic underlying our new definition of quasi-truth, namely, the three-valued paraconsistent logic LPT1, which is presented axiomatically in a first-order language. We relate the notion of quasi-truth with some existing paraconsistent logics. We defend that the formalization of (open) society semantics when combined with the modulated quantifiers constitutes an alternative to capture the inductive component present in scientific activity, and show, from this, that the original proposal of da Costa and collaborators can be explained in terms of the new concept of modulated societies


lógica simbólica e matemática linguagens formais - semântica nonclassical mathematical logic synbolic and mathematical logic formal languages lógica matemática não-clássica

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