Uma metodologia para gestão da eficiência energética de centrais de cogeração a biomassa: aplicação ao bagaço de cana. / A methodology for energy efficiency management of biomass cogeneration plants: application to sugarcane bagasse.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Due to the Brazilian population and economic growth, the national grid is in continuous change in order to meet the country needs. During the last decade, the highlights are the thermoelectric generation expansion, first by natural gas plants growth and recently by alternative renewable cogeneration sugarcane bagasse plants. Due to this situation, face to the significant growing number of biomass cogeneration plants in Brazil, it is important to think a way to manage this electric generation portion in order to have a continuous improvement of its performance. However, it is noticed that the energy efficiency policies either in Brazil or worldwide are usually connected to end uses of electricity and actually there is not any structured action towards the energy efficiency management for electricity generation along operation. Thus, this work proposes a methodology for energy efficiency management in Rankine cycle operated biomass cogeneration plants in Brazil. The methodology is based on the so called PDCA continual improvement cycle. The steps for implementation of the methodology: classification, calculation, measurement, verification and action, are established. The energy utilization factor (EUF) was chosen for calculation and measurement in the methodology. The implementation of it permits to pass through each phase of PDCA cycle: plan, do, check and act. The Rankine cycle was chosen for the application model development because it represents 100% of biomass cogeneration commercial plants operating in Brazil. A application of the methodology for two cogeneration plants with the same class is presented in the study case. The results show the validity of the application of the proposed methodology for establishment of an overall energy efficiency management system in biomass cogeneration plants. Improvement actions are recommended as results from the application of the cycle. Further development recommendations for this work are also presented.


cogeração de energia elétrica electric energy cogeneration energia de biomassa energy efficiency energy from biomass energia (eficiência)

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