Uma metodologia para avaliação de risco no transporte de produtos perigosos por rodovias




As of the statistical data from Fundação SEADE (Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados Estatísticos), SEADE (2002) the goods transportation in Brazil and especially in the Estado of São Paulo constitutes a strategical segment of the economy. Thus, it is intensifying demanding more studies and research come back toward the efficiency questions, security and reduction of accidents. The road transport of hazardous materials have a special importance, because that the risk intensity this associate the danger of the carried product. The accidents involving the transport of these products can have catastrophic consequences, over all ahead of the proximity of bordering cities to the main highways. The subject of this work is to adapt a methodology of evaluation of risks in the transport of dangerous products, through highway. As procedure they had been evaluated methodologies of risks evaluation in V.S.A. to select one of that whose have a profile like the Brazilian s characteristics highways. After elect, to the methodology were adapted three improvements, which are the contributions, of this dissertation. The contributions to the methodology select improved it are: the use of a structure for the risk management of the to be evaluated; the change of impact zone when product leak in accident case, (in the original methodology this zone is fixed over the highway), the proposal is that this zone varies in function of the type of carried product; study of that the age range of the truck drivers, which carries hazardous materials, because, the probability of the accident occurrence is function of how old he is


substancias perigosas - transportes metodologia risco avaliação de riscos

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