Uma maneira singular de estar no mundo: ser professor.




The aim of this thesis is to deal with the phenomenon of the teachers training that comes from the sense constructed by the teachers, during the first years of their professional career, after the end of the graduation in pedagogy at UNEB State University of Bahia. Seven teachers participated to the study. Their utterances were registered in three different means: Interview, autobiographic statement, and manifestations in the Focal Group. The qualitative approach, that was the base of the process of the collect of data, aimed to provide, together with the phenomenological perspective, multiples account that permitted to form a narrative mosaic, a revealed expressive method about personal conceptions. The interpretations and considerations about the existence of being a professor were collected in the Focal Group meetings, in 36 hours recorded. Simultaneously, open interviews and production of autobiographical texts were done to broaden the possibilities of expressions from the singularities of the actor- subjects from the research. The phenomenon was approached under the hermeneutic phenomenology. The main purpose was about the considerations of the heuristic construction in teaching praxis and its conceptual approach with hermeneutic inspirations, using as basis heideggerian category care and the gadamerian category play. The study also comes from a tension among opposite training visions: Training as a preparation to the work market and training as self-knowledge, supported in dynamics lived in the existence of each one that was mobilized by the interest in qualifying the educator profession. They were the protagonists of the scenes in which the singularities meet at a certain way to emerge the teaching. The research highlights the contexts and the forms of the dispute by being a teacher in his/her everyday work as an instructor. The educators revealed in their interpretations of being a teacher- a complex view of teaching praxis and a sensibility able to be affected, in a way that Larrosa gives it. It was inspired in the hermeneutic phenomenology, there was a purpose to give visibility to the forms of dealing with the educator profession, and it was believed that the hermeneutic reflexibility has a lot to contribute to the construction of an authentic comprehension of this profession. Since being and thinking are in the common- belong, I can see the identity of the teacher based on a being that thinks. Its understanding that being a teacher is one of the most complex professions, demanding commitment and institutional responsibilities, collective and individual related to his/her training.


phenomenology teachers educacao hermeneutic fenomenologia teaching practice professores formação hermenêutica prática de ensino formation

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