Uma luz na escuridão: ficção, memórias e (auto)biografia na escrita de Salim Miguel / A light in the darkness: fiction, memories and (auto)biography in Salim Miguels work


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Nur na escuridão (1999) tells the story of a Lebanese family that decides to leave their homeland and emigrate to the Americas, in order to find better living conditions. The crossing from this family between distinct worlds, as the East and West are, is constituted as indelible mark in the way of being and feeling from the characters and the narrator himself. In this scenario, crossing between worlds, cultures and traditions, it is inscribed the Salim Miguels narrative, and their own life experience as an Arab immigrant. From these initial considerations, this dissertation sought to verify the role of narrator and his relationship with the memoirist discourse, as well as to examine, in the work, the interrelation of different literary genres such as (auto)biography, memories, biography and fiction itself.


nur na escuridão memória narrador gênero literário letras memory narrator literary genre nur na escuridão

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