Uma leitura analítica da novela "A Metamorfose", de Franz Kafka / Analytic reading of Kafkas work "The Metamorphosis"




This master dissertation is an analysis of Franz Kafka short story "The Metamorphosis", based on the scope of French semiotics, as it was built since Algirdas J. Greimas studies until the recent ones, most called as tensive semiotics. The analyses focuses especially some elements proceeded from Gregorys metamorphosis, basically transformations involving Samsas familiar drama because of Gregorys transformations to an insect. This seems to be real matter involving Kafkas short story. In according to our standpoint, this work concentrates in: contractual transformations, actantial relations and modal arrangements, tensive elements that concern the metamorphosis concept, the actantial bonds that determine some ways of Gregorys condition in the family, and finally, others secondary but indispensable elements for the analysis. Thus, we expect to contribute to semiotics studies, insofar as Kafkas work "The Metamorphosis" is quite different from the most ones that have their origin in the Proppean branch of Greimas semiotics. Furthermore, we expect to contribute also to Kafkas studies that, as far as we know, do not have yet a semiotic approach.


literature discourse discurso semiótica franz kafka metamorfose literatura franz kafka semiotics metamorphosis

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