UMA HISTÓRIA, DOIS OLHARES: narrativas de alunas/professoras do Instituto Estadual de Educação João Neves da Fontoura - Cachoeira do Sul/RS (1929 -1990) / ONE HISTORY, TWO WAYS TO SEE: narratives of students and teachers of the Instituto Estadual de Educação João Neves da Fontoura - Cachoeira do Sul/RS (1929 -1990)




This search aims, mainly, to comprehend the pathway of the teachers formation in the Instituto Estadual de Educação João Neves da Fontoura (IEEJNF), de Cachoeira do Sul/RS through the memories of students and teachers beginning in the 1929 until 1990. The IEEJNF is much known in the countryside, because it has been responsible for the teachers formation on high school level for seventy years. In the search of other ways to comprehend the pathway of the teachers formation in this institution, it was basically to listen to twelve witnesses. All these witnesses were students and after they taught in this school, but in different times. Using a script with four main themes, the narratives revealed peculiar information about the teaching act, and among them, motivation towards the profession choice, formation recalling, motivation to teach at that school, and the acting as teacher in that course. Beyond the narratives, were collected other data form the institutions files, from the Museu Municipal (museum) and from the Arquivo Histórico Municipal, such as: newspapers, documents and reports. Sources iconographical, such as photographies, school uniforms and objects from the time that belong to the witnesses were used as a link between the written documents and the narratives. Not only the persons life were consider but the fact that this person gives cultural elements to the Educations History be better comprehended, in this way it allows to know more about the Educations History in the Rio Grande do Sul BR.


escolas normais normal schools educacao memórias teachers formation memories formação de professores

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