Uma história de leitura : a formação da professora-alfabetizadora da educação de jovens e adultos, seus eventos e suas práticas. / A lecture story : the youth and adult education teacher-training formation, her events and practices.




This work is the result of a research conducted and aims to analyze the reading events and practice experienced by alphabetizer teachers in Youth and Adult Education (in Portuguese, Educação de Jovens e Adultos, or EJA), from their schooling stories and reading experiences, which contributed to their formation as readers. Guedes Pinto (2002), Baptist (1998), Britto (1998), Marcuschi (2001, 2003), Soares (2002, 2003), among others, are the fundamentals of this work. This is a qualitative research, which has questionnaire and semi-structured interview as research instruments. The results show that the alphabetizer teachers of EJA experienced different reading events and practices that contributed to its formation as readers. Most of these events were provided by school and family literacy agencies. The reading practice of these teachers, in their majority, are restricted to textbooks. It is concluded that the reading events and practice experienced by the teachers have made them become school readers .


training of teachers reading events and practice formação de professores youth and adult education educacao eventos e práticas de leitura educação de jovens e adultos

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