Uma hipótese de Werner Heisenberg e o sentimento de solidão humana determinado pelo impacto das mudanças na explicação do cosmos. Um estudo a partir de representações sociais na literatura ocidental / One hypothesis of Werner Heisenberg and the human lonely by the impact of the changes in the explanation of the Cosmos. A study from social representation in the Ocidental Literature




Our Thesis aims to explain the implications of the Werner Heisenbergs hypothesis in literature, according to which this knowledge stands off from man in proportion to Cosmology progresses to mathematization and axiomatization and transforms the idea that he always had about the nature that surrounds him. Thus, it would exist in this man a true solitude feeling of being in the world. In the first moment he discovered that Earth isnt anymore the center of Universe (Copernican inversion), then that he could be no longer the son of the God (evolution theory) and finally that he could not even have a true idea of nature, but that in reality it only remains a mathematical knowledge which expresses this nature very different of that in which he had always lived (subatomic physics) - to be done. Few are those who take knowledge of these changes in Physics in general and Cosmology in particular. However, the great thinker of Social Psychology, Serge Moscovici, creates the concept of Social Representation, which explains the identifiable phenomenon in literature. The common man doesnt study and doesnt understand the meanders of Physics and Cosmology, but this knowledge reaches him, even though distorted, made simple, as social representation, transmitted by the scientific publicizers with more or less understanding through books, cinema and comments in general; nowadays, even through TV or newspapers. These changes in the extent of science certainly are interpreted by the great majority of experts as paradigm shifts. We will adopt here, however, Gilles Gaston Grangers concept of paradigm. For him, a typical example of paradigm shift in the Exact Sciences is the one that occurred in the passing from Aristotelian Physics to Galilean Physics. Here we actually have a paradigm rupture, discontinuity and incommunicability between them. The Science model changed, all the concepts changed, redefined in the scope of the new paradigm. About the changes that occur in the domain of Physics, since Galileo, when we discuss paradigm shift we discuss, generally speaking, a restriction of a concept, or, if we want, enlargement of a concept, but not of complete rupture or incommunicability with the anterior paradigm. It would be about the creation of new sub paradigms. Granger accepts the usage of paradigm in the kuhnian acceptation of the term only for the protosciences, for which we can speak of rupture and incommunicability; as it occurs in Psychology, if we consider its various theories. It must be said that with the experiments advances the incommunicability begins to be broken. We have chosen literature as one of the ways of verifying the cosmologic change impact upon the human psyche, but we could have chosen pictorial art or other human expression in the interpretation the world. We confront classic oeuvres with Aristotelian or Ptolemaic point of view and 15th century literary oeuvres with Copernican and Galilean point of view. Posteriorly we tried to demonstrate the impact of the leap of the idea that the man had about nature with Kepler, Galileo and Newton to the nature representation with the advent of Subatomic Physics and the representations about it in literary texts consecrated by Western Literature important critics and analysts


filosofia da ciência paradigm paradigma philosophy of science poesia poetry prosa prose representação social social representation

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