Uma experiência com grupo de pais de adolescentes uma instituição escolar / An experiment with group of adolescents parents in a school




This work is about an experiment made with a group of parents of adolescents at private school. Its aim was not only to open some room for reflection from parents who had trouble relating with their children, but also to adjust and fit them into this opening in order to search for betterment in the parent-child relationship based on both the sharing of experiences and a critical reflection. This experiment was carried out with eight people - seven mothers and one father. The group technique applied in this case was of the Reflection Groups and the approach used to develop the groups was psychodynamics. The work had to be adapted to the conditions of the institution where it was held. The results have proved that the parents - as part of the group - were able to recognize some of the elements that make the parent-child relationship so difficult nowadays; they were incited to think over and search for the proper solutions for their conflicts. This task propitiated a clanship, thus creating an atmosphere of solidarity and continence so that the parents could reveal themselves. The sharing of experiences, the living process of the group, and the learning process itself have showed that this intervention model is, beyond any doubt, an appropriate source for unveiling emotional states and possible changes.


psicologia pais e filhos instituição de ensino institution of education parents and sons adolescents adolescentes

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