Uma etnografia do dinheiro: os projetos gráficos de papel-moeda no Brasil após 1960 / A etnography on money: the graphical projects of paper-currency in Brazil after 1960




The images that constitute the symbols of the State are representative of much more than the individual wills of its creators. The elements that represent the nation, as hymns, flags, banknotes, are shaped as collective narratives in the creation work and in the aesthetic aspects that constitute them. The Brazilian banknotes studied in this research, produced by the Brazilian Mint, are constitutive of one of these narratives, that modify throughout the definitive secular clipping for this study. In the visual proposals of the banknotes relations in such a way between individual and the collective one are congregated, as much as between the different groups that exist in the Brazilian society. Only after the nationalization of the projects, this discursive space finds in the artists who draw the paper-currency enough inserted actors in the cultural context of the Brazilian society, in better conditions to express these relations. The purpose of this work is to make the identification of the visual fragments unified into the plastic space of the studied banknotes, changed in collective narratives of the brazility.


papel moeda money etnography image design ciencias sociais aplicadas design casa da moeda do brasil dinheiro imagem etnografia

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