Uma escola em Betel : relações, praticas, alunos, familias e professoras - 1997 a 2000




The aim of this work is the study of the history of a primary school (1st to 4th grade), between the years 1997 and 2000 in the district of Betel. It aims to report the work developed by its teachers in terms of the education aimed at the underpriviledged classes. The teachers were concerned with and studied the students in two aspects: the social class they belonged to, through the contact with their families, and the analysis of each child in their particularities. The school practices were studied and analysed in their results vis-à-vis the objectives outlined in the school political-pedagogic project. Objective and subjective conditions produced by the teachers are analysed, while an attempt is made to focus on the characteristics of the children and their families, showing how, today, the teachers see the results obtained with their students. The study also intertwines the analysis of society in its global aspect and how it reflects on the local setting, in addition to the dialectic relationship among the work of the teachers, the school?s culture, the resistance and unacceptance of the official educational policy. In Betel, the education of each child was possible since they were considered in their humanity, as a particular person and belonging to a social class


social classes classes sociais escolas - historia politicas publicas public policy educação e estado education and state school-family relationship student-teacher relationships working conditions schools professores e alunos condições de trabalho relação escola - familia

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