Uma contribuição para a aplicação de motores de indução lineares em secadores de cereais




The purpose of this thesis is the acting study and efficiency of the linear induction motor, applied as driver of the discharge dam in dryers of cereals, in substitution to the Conventional System used previously, composed by a system electric pneumatic, group compressor, pneumatic piston and accessories. The search of this purpose based on the looking for of solutions to reduce the high index of defects of the Conventional System, and that the Proposed System had simple and robust constitution, demanding little maintenance for having few potential points of defects, and at the same time to present technological innovation, productive efficiency and low consumption of energy. For this it was projected and built a denominated equipment of simulator of the dam of discharge of dryer of cereals, with flow scale ten times minor than the field system application, and in this simulator the linear induction motor was adapted [Thé Pontes, 2003], where the tests of operation of the simulator were made for load conditions, measurements of force and consumption of energy. The obtained results are very close to the expected and they assist perfectly to the objectives of this work.


motor de indução linear engenharia eletrica linear induction motor cereal dryers eclusa de descarga de secadores de cereais máquinas elétricas secadores de cereais sistemas de energia elétrica dam dryer discharge

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