Uma contribuição ao estudo do planejamento tributário nos processos de fusão, incorporação e cisão


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The participation and importance of the business combinations through the consolidation, merger and spin-off operations have been increasing in the present context of the world economy. This fact is occurring also in Brazil, mainly due to the world changes that have been causing the competition increasing. This importance is due to not only the transaction quantities but mostly because many times the values involved are extremely high. It is not possible to say it is only a business concentration phenomenon: there are several reasons for the realization of these transactions, with a crescent utilization to reduce effectively the tributary charge assessed to the companies. In Brazil, the utilization of these operations started due to some tax advantages offered by the Federal Government. In 1971, it was created the Comiss?o de Fus?o e Incorporac?o de Empresas - COFIE, a commission connected to Ministry of Finance, in order to coordinate and analyze these tax advantages. The merger transactions were regulated for a long time past, but the spin-off transaction was inserted in the Brazilian legislation only in 1976, through the federal Law nr. 6404/76, known as Lei das S/A - the corporation acts. With this legal regulation, the utilization of the business company combinations has increased in spite of the Brazilian concept differences in relation to the United States of America and Europe ones. It is the case, for instance, of the merger, that they consider as a special type of consolidation. The professionals that work in tributary planning, that is, attorneys, accountants, managers and economists, amplified the business company combination use in Brazil, mainly merger and spin-off, due to the tax advantages reached through the Income Tax reduction, elimination or postponement, for several reasons. The main point of this study is the accounting and tributary ones to show the employment of these operations to substitute the acquisitions, aiming mainly the elimination of the capital gain of the stockholders, being an individual person or a company. The objective of this study was confirmed by the searches: this way of using the business company combination causes problems in the areas of law and accountancy, because in Brazil people are more connected to the juridical way of the fact than the economic one. So it may be concluded that the accountancy and the law professionals have many things to search and develop to improve and differentiate the types of transactions - those involving companies that have the same corporate control and those involving companies pertaining to different economic groups, explaining also the method differences used in the accountancy registers.


ciencias contabeis empresas - fusão e incorporação - contabilidade empresas - cisão - contabilidade empresas - fusão e incorporação - impostos empresas - cisão - impostos accounting consolidation and merger of corporations corporate divestiture

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