Uma contribuição a otimização do processo de retificação cilindrica de mergulho do aço SAE 4340




The goal of work goal is study the influence of grinding parameters, feed velocities, stock remova! and time of cycle, in the surface quality of the workpiece (surface roughness and roundness measurement), as well as the deformation leveI imposed to the system machineworkpiece-tool. This study was accomplished for both the grinding cycle with 3 phases (cycle with 3 feed velocities different, analyzing each one of the phases) and the conventional cycle (with just one feed velocity). With that it was also possible to establish a comparative scenery among them along the wheellife. Aiming this goal several experiments were carried out grinding workpieces of ABNT 4340 steel, with hardness of 55 HRc and wheel ART FE 38A80K, using a CNC grinding machine, in plunge cylindrical grinding operation. The surface roughness was measured through the parameter Ra adjusted with cut-off of 0,8 mm. The roundness measurement was measured tbrough a device installed on the machine tool that also had a vibration measurement system. The vibration signal aided the analyses of the results. Fina11y the deformation was measured tbrough the value of the diameter of the workpiece (before and afier the spark out operation) tbrough a micrometer. In the tool life experiments 66 workpieces were ground in each experimental condition, without proceeding the dressing operation. Based on the results obtained in this work, the main conclusions were: a) the time of the rinding cycle can be reduced in relation to the time obtained using the conditions indicated by the anufacturer and for the literature without damages to the quality of the piece in both cycles, the conventional and the three stages cyc1es; b) the conventional cycle generated workpieces oj better quality when compared to the cycle with three stages in the beginning of toollife but in the end of wheellife both cycles presented similar rougbness; c) regarding the workpiece roundness measurement, the values were very low in the beginning of the life as well as in the end; d) Finally, it was observed for the cycle of 3 phases that the value of the feed velocities of the firs1 phase is the largest responsible for the deterioration of the tool and, consequently, for reaching the end ofthe wheel end oflife


quality retificação e polimento optimization cycles usinagem otimização matematica maquinas-ferramentas - vibração grinding

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