Uma contribuiÃÃo da teoria das representaÃÃes sociais para a eficiÃncia no serviÃo pÃblico




The goal is find out what are the administrative actions that promote the improvement of the efficiency of public services, from the sociology of representations, mainly Social Representations Theory, developed by Serge Moscovici. With the dispatch of Constitutional Amendment n  19/98, which established the principle of efficiency, the public began to worry about the quality of their services. The insertion of a new constitutional principle establishing conduct to public officials may not be sufficient for the desired efficiency is achieved. It is within this perspective that this research was performed. It is known that the service of a public agency is held by individuals, which, in turn, raised and educated are the most diverse forms, and when adults, the component institutions of the labor force, is the meeting of those individuals who graduate organizations. Please note that the search was limited to the Federal Regional Court of the 5th Region and this study aims to collaborate with the successful implementation of actions whose purpose is to improve the management of the Court, by combining theoretical concepts to everyday situations of a public agency, using study of exploratory and descriptive type. The field research used qualitative focus groups in four TRF in the 5th Region, whose testimonies were weighed in light of the precepts contained in the reference and linked to specific objectives. In the analysis of results demonstrated the effect of trainer of the Court, the existence of an "atmosphere" itself, but provides Serge Moscovici (2007), and the fruits resulting from implementation of administrative actions aimed at improving management. Is evident, then, the need for special attention to how the shares are offered, as well as the importance of the legitimacy of the relevant person proposes that. It is emphasized that this work has no ambition to exhaust the subject, mainly because of their complexity, only, is expected to attract other researchers in the desire to look more deeply understand the social relations in organizations


servidores pÃblicos â brasil eficiÃncia (serviÃo pÃblico) administraÃÃo pÃblica improvement of management prÃtica administrativa social representation administracao publica efficiency tribunal regional federal (5Â regiÃo)

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