Uma arquitetura para integraÃÃo de dados baseada em ontologia




Nowadays, solutions in large-scale electronic commerce have to deal with several challenges in information integration. Some issues in this task involve coping with the explosion of the number of mappings and the problem of standardization itself. Much work appeared trying to solve integration in e-Business, however inflating in number and generating inconsistencies. The purpose of this work is to bring a method of using a main, top layer ontology intermediating the domains. This ontology must be the most generic possible among the underlying domains, which specialize and instantiate it according to individual necessities. The advantage is to associate certain ontology concepts with Semantic Web standards and technologies in order to preserve independency in data distribution, even though preserving the consistency of information. This architecture is validated by the implementation of a prototype using a Web interface and design, and the Ontology Web Language (OWL, a W3C recommendation).


ciencia da computacao integraÃÃo de dados, ontologia, web semÃntica, negÃcio eletrÃnico, linguagem de ontologia, owl. data integration, ontoloty, semantic web, e-business, ontology language, owl.

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