Uma arquitetura para agentes inteligentes baseada na sociedade da mente




The Society of Mind is a collection of proposals concerning structures and mechanisms underlying mind and intelligence. These proposals were developed by Marvin Minsky and presented mostly during the 80s. Among them, there is the notion that the mind is made up of mindless units called agents. Such units can be identified at many levels, the lowest of them being the equivalent to the neural level. The Society of Mind relies upon the notion of agent to define the concepts and mechanisms concerning the working of the mind as a whole, i.e. concerning the coordination of agents. The central concept is the partial mental state, which corresponds to the description of the states of some agents of the mind. Groups of agents, which are called agencies in the Society of Mind, communicate through partial mental states, which are controlled by special agents that implement certain coordination mechanisms. In this work, the Society of Mind is taken as a foundation for an intelligent agent architecture. Since in the Society of Mind the mind itself comprises many agents, it follows that the intelligent agent should be made up from smaller agents, coordinated through the mechanisms of the Society of Mind. Thus, we have designed an intelligent agent architecture based on the Society of Mind as an architecture of a multi-agent system (a Distributed Artificial Intelligence system), where the communication and coordination between agents is done in a way which is inspired on the concept of partial mental states and on the coordination mechanisms of the Society of Mind. We have described the design process through which the architecture was transformed from a direct mapping between agents and agencies of the Society of Mind to its final version based on the blackboard model, which is a well-known Distributed Artificial intelligence paradigm. The coordination mechanisms of the Society of Mind work as models for objects placed in the different sections of the blackboard. These objects are "active" in the sense that they do not only contain information to be operated upon, but also have specific functionalities according to which they act like the coordination mechanisms of the Society of Mind. We have mentioned some possibilities of applications using the architecture we developed, and described in some detail the implementation of one of those applications: a story-telling agent. This implementation. Was an experience whose objective was to test the feasibility of the proposed architecture as well as the methodology of this work itself which consisted of taking the theoretical model of the Society of Mind as a starting point instead of designing an architecture to perform some particular task


inteligencia artificial distribuida inteligencia artificial

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