Uma análise regional da discriminação de gênero e raça no mercado de trabalho brasileiro - 1992 a 2001




The goal of this dissertation is to analyze the existence and evolution of the discrimination for gender and race in the Brazilian job market, in each one of the five areas of the country, among the years of 1992 and 2001. The method of Blinder and Oaxaca (1973) is applied to verify the existence of discrimination by using data from Pesquisa Nacional por Amostragem de Domicílios PNAD of the years 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 e 2001.The sample was divided into four groups: white man (considered the standard group), black man, white woman and black woman. The obtained results show that the individuals that do not belong to the standard group suffer discrimination. It is observed, however, a tendency of decreasing of discriminatory practices along the studied period.


mercado de trabalho raça gender race mercado de trabalho; discriminação de sexo no emprego; discriminação racial discriminação job market economia regional e urbana gênero discrimination

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