Uma análise espectroscópica de discos de acresção em variáveis cataclísmicas / A Spectroscopic Analysis of Accretion Disks in Cataclysmic Variables




An observational study of accretion disks in Cataclysmic Variables (CVs) is presented in this work. Time-resolved spectrophotometric data of the emission line profiles are analyzed. The line emissivity of the systems is mapped using the Doppler tomography technique. The basic orbital parameters of the systems, like the orbital period, mass, orbital inclination, are determined when needed. A code was developed to simulate the emission line profile variability in binary systems, also including the presence of a wind. Such a code was used to quantify the parameters involved in a flickering tomography study, like the number of spectra, signal-to-noise ratio, frequency and amplitude of the flickering. Three systems are analyzed: V3885 Sgr, RR Pic and V841 Oph. The intrinsic variability in V3885 Sgr is mapped using the flickering tomography technique. The flickering was simulated and we have verified that the main flickering source in V3885 Sgr could not be located on the Keplerian accretion disk. The inner face of the secondary star is proposed instead. One interpretation of this phenomenon is a scenery where flickering in the UV continuum from the inner parts of the accretion disk is reprocessed at the illuminated face of the secondary star. The first confirmation of a secondary star with a mass-radius relation far from the main sequence values was obtained for a CV with a short period (RR Pic). In the case of V841 Oph we determined the orbital period and obtained a mass-ratio slightly below 1. We verified the presence of a region of enhanced emission in the quadrant opposite to the one expected for the hot spot. The emission of this region is particularly enhanced in HeI. The V841 Oph accretion disk was verified as being of low emissivity in lines.


accretion disks flickering variáveis cataclísmicas cataclysmic variables doppler tomography winds. ventos tomografia doppler interacting binaries binárias em interação variabilidade estocástica (flickering) discos de acresção

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