Uma analise empirica do espalhamento elastico de hadrons na aproximação eiconal




We find empirical information, from experimental data, about profile, eikonal (impact parameter and momentum transfer spaces) and inelastic overlap functions of the elastic pp scattering between 13.8 GeV £ Ö s £ 62.5 GeV and elastic pp scattering between 13.8 GeV £ Ö s £ 1800GeV. As an introduction to the subject, a review of the eikonal approximation through three differents approaches is presented. From an analytical parametrization for the elastic scattering amplitude we fit the differential cross section data of the above energies. Making a Fourier-Bessel transform we find the profile, eikonal and inelastic overlap functions in the existence of zeros in the eikonal in the momentum transfer apace. Finally, in appendix B, we present a approach to the impact parameter formalism (profile function) through analytical properties of the scattering amplitude


hadrons espalhamento elastico

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