Uma anÃlise do arranjo produtivo do PÃlo Industrial de CalÃados de Campina Grande-PB




The Advent of the globalization has as basic characteristic to create regional and international markets. Supported by technological progress, it has appeared a new economical paradigm which prints a new profile to the companies and the regional development. This works aims to analyse the characteristics of the leather and footwear productive deal from the city of Campina Grande, in the sate of ParaÃba. The main aim is to formulate a study about its competitivity. The theorical concepts which support this study are associated to Michael Porterâs Theory (1993), written in his book âThe Competitive Advantages of Nationsâ. The object of study is the productive deal of the footwear industry from that city, as previous mention, and the external agents (attributes) which influence on its performance. During the analysis is used the âPorterâs Diamondâ pattern (op. cit.). From this instrument it is analysed each one of the actors: the productive deal and the attributes which establish its performance. The origin or causes of a study such this are based on the discussion of macroeconomical order: âhow to promote the development of the closest regions?â â In this way, the proposition of the Cluster appears as a more efficient alternative. After a deep analysis of the conditions of productive deal in Campina Grande, it is observed that regional companies will hardly reach a satisfactory increase without the support of the Government or Private Institutions. Nowadays, there are several institutions whose Programs or Plannings work on the support to the development of the productive deal of leather and footwear from Campina Grande. The research concluded that deal contains the basic pre-conditions for the institution of the Cluster. However, the Agents which are engaged in the work of implement of Planning for the deal need to work in the systemic and integrated way, in the common aims, to assure the efficiency and efficacy of the results


couro e calÃados - municÃpio de campina grande - pb michael porter engenharia de producao globalizaÃÃo cluster

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