Uma analise da assistencia medico-hospitalar privada : o polo medico da cidade do Recife na travessia do seculo XX para o XXI




This thesis presents a case study of the medical/socialdevelopment project which has come to be known as the Recife medica/ services cluster. It records and discusses commonly aired opinions concerning the project in the city, relating these to issues of public health. In this way. an attempt is made to understand how, in a city full of deprivation, whose citizens cry out for state protection, private interests continue to appropriate public funds for the unbridled expansion of the private health sector. The main challenge confronting the study was of a methodological nature, given the complex network of inter-relationships among organizations that permeates this sub-system, once a detailed description of the characteristics and distribution of the individual establishments did not lie within the scope of this study. The thesis should thus be understood as constituting a proposal for the analysis of this particular segment of the health care system, with an emphasis on the theoretical and conceptual tools required by this field of study. The thesis begins by reviewing the economic cycles to which the State of Pernambuco is subject and attempts to refute the notion that the city of Recife has a "natural" propensity for the service sector, within a social and economic process which has led historically to the subordination of regional development to the interests of other special economic zones in the country. There after, a "snapshot" is taken of the reality of the city using macro-indicators which demonstrate the living conditions of the city s population and its patterns of consumption of health care services.The meaning of the term medica/ services clusteris investigated, with a view to pointing out its inadequacy, given that the project does not constitute, as is claimed, a second national medica/ services cluster that is self-funding and of benefit to the population as a whole. The pattern and dynamics of the growth of the medica! services clusterare comprehensively investigated and analysed in a way which focuses on: the significant quantity of hospitais and other medical establishments and facilities,both public and private, now available; and the way in which the companies which make up the cluster were able, in the course of the 19905, to find their way into strategic planning projects implemented by the State and schemes which furnish much coveted public subsidies, as a way of accumulating the capital necessary for their development and growth. Finally,it is claimed that the managed care model. in the various forms in which it manifests itself, has shaped the technical and administrative structure of the services which make up the medica/ services cluster. Procedures currently in practice, which strongly suggest the need for more humane medical care, are analysed with a view to pointing out the extent to which these have incorporated newly market oriented models of health service provision. The arguments presented in this study point to the conclusion that there is a trend towards the privatization of medical services,which has noticeably detrimental effects on the legally guaranteed right to health care.


politica de saude programas de assistencia gerenciada saude - planejamento

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