Uma análise comparativa do logos e do pathos no discurso religioso: a missa católica e o culto assembleiano / A comparative analysis of the logos and of the pathos in the religious discourse: a Catholic Mass and a worship of the Church Assembly of God


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




We believe that the claimant may make use of reason and emotion in order to persuade the interlocutor. Therefore, in this work we intend to identify, analyze and compare the discourse strategies within two religious celebrations, a Mass (Homily) and a worship of the Church Assembly of God (Evangelization), aiming at the argumentation through reason (logos) and the argumentation through emotion (pathos). In the field of reason, we will investigate the delocutive, allocutionary and illocutionary modalities; the reasoning modes; the discourse proceedings; the nomination; the qualification; the identities; the narrators statutes and point of views. In the area of emotion, we will investigate the tone of voice, the lexical selection; the inversions; the exclamations; the interjections; the metaphorical expressions as well as the three modalities afore mentioned. At the end of the work, we noticed that few are the differences between the Homily and the Evangelization concerning reason. However, the preacher appeals greatly to emotion. Thus, the preacher, besides using reason, also uses emotion more intensively than the Father, which seems to make the believer more willing to accept his thesis, generating a higher capture of new believers.


homilia pregação linguistica reason razão emoção discurso religioso argumentation emotion religious discourse homily evangelization argumentação

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