Uma abordagem institucional do mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo: o caso da suinocultura da pequena propriedade rural / An institutional approach of the clean development mechanism: the case of the pig breeding of the small rural property




The intensification of the related problems to the greenhouse have in recent decades called the attention and committed efforts of the civil society to the treatment of this serious context resulting from the man acts. From this environmental concern, social and development, it was ratified in February 2005 the Kyoto Protocol, whose premise is the creation of trade market mechanisms that allow industrialized countries a significant reduction of pollutants gases emissions in nature. Under the subjects covered by the Kyoto Protocol, it is pointed out the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and the establishment of a market of carbon credits. In this scenario, developing countries can participate in this market selling carbon credits to countries which have outstanding responsibility in the emission of harmful gases to the environment. However, the institution of the carbon credits market and the establishment of the CDM require an institutional framework to rule, according to the language adopted by the New Institutional Economy, the "rules of the gameâ. Opportunely, this research investigates the institutional aspects of this scenario and the conditions to rule the CDM projects in Brazil, highlighted the main bureaucratic and sometimes, technical barriers, that hinder or even prevent the entry of Brazilian companies in the international carbon credit market. The discussions, analysis and findings presented address the institutional constraints and the estimates about the gains that can be obtained from the CDM, having as a case study a swine farm located in Toledo, a city located in west of Paranà - Brazil. The found results indicate that, partially, the institutional environment of the carbon credits market is not sufficiently clear to the extent of encouraging the entry of Brazilian firms in this context, and the constant changes that occur therein confuse the economic agents. Furthermore, it is observed that the execution of a CDM can bring gains of technical, economic, social and especially environmental order.


mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo (mdl) desenvolvimento sustentado - brasil swine excrements mercado de emissÃo de carbono economias agraria e dos recursos naturais new institutional economy(nie) clean development mechanism(cdm) crÃdito de carbono nova economia institucional (nei) polÃtica ambiental - aspectos econÃmicos suÃnos - esterco dejetos suÃnos

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