Uma abordagem arquitetural para tolerancia a falhas em sistemas desoftware baseados em componentes




This work concentrates on the systematic treatment of dependability requirements during the development of modern critical software systems, such as banking and electronic commerce. Such software systems constantly evolve and are constrained by short time-to-market and low development costs requirements. As a result, the development of these modern critical software systems is increasingly being based on the integration of preexisting components. The development of dependable systems built in this way is still an open problem. This work contributes to the solution of this problem by proposing an architectural approach for adding fault tolerance to software systems based on reusable components. The proposed approach includes: (i) a software architecture based on idealised fault tolerant components; (ii) an architectural solution for transforming off-the-shelf software components in idealised fault tolerant components; (iii) a general strategy for exception handling in component-based software systems; and (iv) a proposal for an integrated development environment for component-based software systems, which is processed- and architecture-centered. The present work also includes two case studies where the proposed approaches were applied, one of them being based on a banking software system developed by an independent software house. The results achieved during these case studies allow us to conclude that the approach proposed can increase the dependability properties of complex software systems built from reusable components. We also conclude about the need for more specialized tools to increase the effectiveness of the proposed approach and better integrate it within a software development process.


engenharia de software software software tolerancia a falha (computação) software

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