"Um processo para construção de frameworks a partir da engenharia reversa de sistemas de informação baseados na Web: aplicação ao domínio dos leilões virtuais" / A Process for Framework Development from Reverse Engineering of Web-based Information Systems: Application to the Online Auction Domain




A process for the development of web-based information systems frameworks is proposed. This process comprises a reverse engineering - for web-based information systems -, a pattern language creation, and a framework instantiation subprocesses. The reverse engineering subprocess uses existing WISs to derive an application domain model. The pattern language is created from the application domain model and the framework is developed from this pattern language. The deliverables of the application of this process to the online auctions domain, the Pattern Language for Online Auctions and the Qd+ Framework, are also presented.


web-based informations systems padrões de software sistemas de informação baseados na web frameworks oo oo frameworks software patterns online auctions leilões virtuais reverse engineering engenharia reversa

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