Um olhar complexo sobre o passado: história, historiografia e ensino de história no pensamento de Edgar Morin.




TThis thesis presents the results of literature which aimed, from the diagnosis of theoretical and methodological limitations in these studies and the teaching of history, to investigate possible contributions of Complexity Theory by Edgar Morin to alternative interpretations of the historical past and the discipline teaching history in school education. It first presents a brief of evolution of thought historiographical classic, since the birt of the positivism school of history in the nineteenth century, until its maturity with the currents of history-writing of the twentieth century, especially the Dialetical Historical Materialism and Ecole des Analles. Then points ideas of Edgar Morins thought and in particular some categories of this thought as important to the goals of this work. Among them, especially the ideas on principles operators of Complexity: recursion, the dialogical, the hologram and the principle of uncertainty. Moreover, they are shown some research procedures proposed by Morin, mainly that he called the in vivo method, wich can be thought of as contributions to the profession and the teaching of history.


história historiografia teoria da complexidade princípios operadores ensino de história educacao history historiography complexity theory principles operators teaching history.

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