Um modelo hidrometeorologico para bacias hidrograficas de medio porte / A hydrometeorological model to medium size hydrographyc basins




The model proposed presents in a technique of hydro meteorological simulation, which consists of assigning mathematical functions for phenomena in hydrological cycle and simulating their interactions. The area under study is divided into finite elements of area called "cells". The water balance is done in every individual cell throughout the simulation. The interaction between the cells permits us to follow the superficial and channel processes at any point in the basin in such a way that at any time of the simulation we may obtain an instantaneous microscale picture (view) of the behaviour of the basin. The hydrogram of the cell at the mouth of the river gives the overall behaviour. The results obtained with a few hypothetical simulations are compatible with those expected. The tests demonstrate the possibility of simulation of diverse types of precipitation because the input is quite flexible. However, only an application to a true (real) basin could validate the model proposed. The algorithm is implemented in Algol into the B-6700 machine at INPE, in a very general program which permits modification of the functions used.


micrometeorologia bacias hidrograficas hidrometeorologia

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