Um Modelo DinÃmico para IntegraÃÃo da GestÃo da cadeia de abastecimento sob Incerteza




There are many needs of people in operations to nd simple solutions for complex problems. Like all evolution process, the construction of new answers for frequent questions may be hard and dicult to be understood. Considering this idea, the following text was developed focused on improve quality of planning process of capacity needs in a supply chain. First step threat diculties that many managers have to understand the use of mathematical models in planning. Going forward, the text analises problems about supply chain working and propose a new model for studies and operations based in a dynamic version of input-output matrix of Leontief. Previewing the needs to improve as an integrated solution the input and output operations in a supply chain, this work analise common problems that are useful to develop operational indicators for logistics and operations managers. The text is divided in three majors parts: at start the needs of a ne analysis in sales forecast management, considering that it guide all operation plans in a strategic, tactical and operational environment; other point written was bottleneck dimensioning and process management included, after all bottleneck control the supply chain; at last, dynamic optimization was treated combined with input-output matrix, in order to dene a integrated response in supply chain. Finally the job nish with an algorithm proposed to develop an integrated operations planning that guarantee eciency in results and smooth as possible implementing process. It is simulated a case of a supply chain with two companies, implemented by a electronics worksheet.


teoria das restriÃÃes input-output economy supply chain cadeias de abastecimento economia insumo-produto previsÃo de demanda engenharia de producao theory of constraints supply chain sales forecast

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