Um middleware para construÃÃo de aplicaÃÃes de TV Digital distribuÃdas baseadas no Modelo P2P




Interactive Digital Television comes with a lot of changes which are much more than video and audio quality enhancements. It increases diversity and improves availability of multimedia content and turns spectators into multimedia application users. These applications will come with multimedia content and will give to the users the opportunity to actively interact with it or even with the broadcaster through the interaction channel which plugs the Set-Top Box to a computer network, such as the Internet. Hence, people will be able to use services such as e-mail, Internet-banking and e-commerce. However, these are centralized services and do not explore interactivity between people. It is quite easy to see that, in the near future, the demand for applications that explore the interactivity among people will increase. However, it is still a challenge to make these applications communicate, since the use of servers to intermediate messages is infeasible due to network size, and the direct message exchange does not work in most cases because of the heterogeneity of the network where the intertaction channel is placed on. This research work proposes a Middleware for this kind of distributed application. The proposed Middleware is based on a peer-to-peer communication model, which we found to be the best model, fitting in the requirements of this kind of distributed software. It was built on the top of the JXTA platform, which solves many infrastructure problems, and is composed of an advanced search service and a remote method invocation engine similar to Java RMI


ixc (inter-xlet communication) digital convergency xlet mhp (multimedia home platform) p2p (peer-to-peer) jxta (juxtapose) jxta (juxtapose) mhp (multimedia home platform) p2p (peer-to-peer) convergÃncia digital ixc (inter-xlet communication) xlet idtv (interactive digital television) middleware ciencia da computacao tvdi (televisÃo digital interativa) middleware

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