Um metodo para aquisição e representação de conhecimento sobre procedimentos operacionais em serviço de completação de poços maritimos




The institutional memory is one major asset of a company. It has been kept by editing and reviewing the technical documents, such as, procedural manuais and safety guidelines. Editing these technical documents, one should have primary knowledge about current operational procedures and fault modes, that can be got through daily reports analysis. However, in most of the cases, these reports are stored in natural language data bases, whose no automatic knowledge acquisition method is presently known. This study introduces an alternative approach to acquire the primary knowledge from natural language data bases, by using a computational tool based on neural nets. The results obtained with the application oí this approach on well completion service data base, in the petroleum industry activity, are presented. These results support proposition that the tool can easily make explicit the institutional memory and that one can effectively and efficiently handle this knowledge


campos petroliferos poços de petroleo engenharia do petroleo

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