Um estudo sobre o papel da tecnologia da informação e da utilização dos meios digitais na vida cotidiana e no ambiente de trabalho a partir da teoria das representações sociais de Serge Moscovici / Not informed by the author


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study aims at investigating both the influence of the wide diffusion of information technology (IT) in the everyday life of the contemporary individual in the Brazilian context and the impact the daily use of digital media in the integration of individuals private and professional lives. Technical advancement of digital media enabled many tasks to be performed through IT. Following that, TIs penetrated virtually all spheres of society, i.e., the everyday social relationships, the work setting and the wider context such as the economic and cultural activities. The possibilities of new ways of communication and data processing were enhanced dramatically by ITs potentialities and development. This wide use of digital media made ITs a naturalized means of action and interaction. As a consequence, the mechanisms underlying their appliance were incorporated in an organic way into individuals lives. This work investigates these mechanisms and their relationships with both private and professional lives. An empirical research was planned and carried out grounded in the Serge Moscovicis social representation theory. Through the investigation of the common sense of IT workers their social representations were scanned to expose their feelings towards that emerging working and life condition as well as the mechanisms implied in the wide use of ITs. The analysis of the gathered data was enriched by both the process of individualization that permeates society and the strategic frameworks within which the world of work is considered. The findings revealed that the first contacts of individuals with digital media influenced the way they relate their social and work lives. Besides that, they revealed that digital media have an important role in the interface between the professional and personal life chiefly in the widening of scope of their relationships. The influence of the strategic frameworks was confirmed as evidenced in the complaints regarding overcharging of work and the pressure for general urgency. The individualization process was evident when individuals look for a constant self-cross check inside and outside the professional context. Finally, it was also found a type of \"desire to participate\" hidden in the need of and dependence on digital media. The nature and reach of this desire should be investigated in future research


computer sciences industrial psychology informática information technology psicologia organizacional psicologia social representação social social psychology social representation tecnologia da informação

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