Um estudo sobre o orçamento público como fonte de informação para o cidadão avaliar o desempenho dos seus representantes: um estudo de caso sobre o orçamento da Secretaria Municipal de Educação da Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro / A study on the public budget as a source of information for citizens to evaluate the performance of their representatives: a case study on the budget of the municipal secretary of education of city of Rio de Janeiro


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim of this study is to demonstrate that the information provided by the Annual Budget Law 2010 Town Hall of Rio de Janeiro and their respective reports on budget execution, related to investments in projects and facilities of the Municipal Department of Education does not allow to assess citizen the effectiveness and efficiency of its representatives, is also purpose of this study demonstrate that the changes made in the Annual Budget Law 2010 Town Hall of Rio de Janeiro, referring to investments in projects and facilities of the Municipal Department of Education, may adversely affect a possible assessing the effectiveness and efficiency representative of the manager and, finally, this study also aims to suggest some possible suggestions and recommendations to the Annual Budget Law of the City Hall of Rio de Janeiro and their reports of budget to spend to provide the information necessary to citizens evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of its representatives. To achieve these objectives will be addressed concepts such as: a) democratic state, to show the context in which happens the relationship between citizens and their elected representatives; b) the public budget, to discuss its role as an instrument of control between citizens and their elected representatives; c) performance evaluation, to demonstrate the importance of this to the manager and the control of citizens; and d) agency theory, to discuss the conflict arising between citizens and their elected representatives, to allow a new perspective of this relationship. To develop this study will use the case study method because it is the most suitable for this type of research. The case chosen was part of the Annual Budget Law 2010 Town Hall of Rio de Janeiro and their reports of budget execution, related to investments in projects and facilities of the Municipal Education.


administracao publica estado democrático orçamento público avaliação de desempenho teoria de agência democratic state. public budgeting. performance evaluation. theory of agency

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