Um estudo sobre as vigas de seção mista em chapa de aço dobrada e em madeira serrada




The aim of this work was to ana1yse the stnlctura1 behaviour of the sandwich beams, which are constituted of two parts , one part in sawed timber and the other in cold-formed steel , resulting in a double "c" section. These parts were fastened with steel connectors . These beams can be applied as the structural components of a roof and a scaffolding of bridge and building construction. The theoretical formulation was based on orthotropic linear elasticity and the analysis of the stiffness of the sandwich beams was performed by the method of the transformed section in which the stiffness of a material is transformed into the equivalent stiffness of the other material. This stiffness was be determined experimentally by using a simple supported beam with concentrated load applied to the middle span and by measuring the displacements. The normal strain and the shear strain in sandwich beams on the position connectors was analysed too. The obtained results indicated that the steel components contribute to the main part of the total stiffness, but the wood components are important to avoid the torsion of the steel parts. Furthermore the correct disposition and dimension of the connectors are fundamental for a suitable performace of the sandwich beams


estruturas metalicas vigamento (construções) construção mista

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