Um estudo sobre a avaliação da aprendizagem em um curso superior de ciencias agronomicas




This study is on the evaluation of academic performance of higher education leveI, focusing theoretical and pratical aspects of the assessment. 1s was developed at the Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas (FCA), UNESP, Botucatu, during the period of 1987 to 1991. Severa I readings of the topic have showed that educacional psycology will only contribute to education itself and to learning assessment and will offer them conditions, if the theoretical reference used provides the development of a field of .study which will promote the growth of humam being through the analysis of his own experiences and learning. Through these readings, it was also possible to identify the academic content evaluation importance as a relevant factor to the teaching and learning improvement. They also have indicated that new models and concepts are being outlined: some of them emphasize "measure"; others, "the judgement of values" and some others give emphasis on conceptions implying the necessity of inferring the classifying function. This necessity makes the evaluation assume other functions like the diagnostic and the formative ones. However, it cannot be said that the research progress had led to the development of assessment systems and that it meets directly the interests and the aims of higher education, which is still insensitive to evaluation problems in education. Data from students and teachers questionnaires have been gotten through an etnographic approach, which enables better the contextualization of pratical manifestation of the topic in study. After the questionnaire analysis the data were completed with interviews and observations from appraising situations in the classroom. The survey of documents refering to the history of FCA, the aspects of the undergraduate course itself, didatic regulations and plans of subject teaching ma de possible to disclose concepts, roles, mechanisms and assigned procedures to the learning evaluation. The study of this material, notes and interviews ­have allowed me verify the different orientations and tendencies of interpretation from teachers and students when refering to the meaning, purpose, procedures, criteria and other aspects of learning evaluation. Teachers manifestations have indicated the necessity of a greater knowledge on pedagogy aiming the imporvement of their teaching practice, all though their shy participation in the events at FCA doesn?t show this kind of preocupation students manifestation point to an insatisfation about the evaluation and the final exams period, asking changes in this grading and evaluation system as well as the teachers pedagogical improvement. Together with the studied practices, which are very -distant from the theoretically renewing proposals presented, some isolated iniciatives are being experienced and may work as an incentive to new evaluation alternatives and to the teaching improvement in this Institution.


rendimento escolar - avaliação agronomia - estudo e ensino (superior)

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