Um estudo simplificado da percepção pública dos benefícios e riscos de centrais termonucleares - sugestões para a comunicação de valor com o público / Public perception on the benefits and risks of nuclear power plants_a simplified study


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Public acceptance of the nuclear based electricity generation depends on many variables that can be affected by circumstances and interests, which although seemingly not close to the issue, can strongly influence the final outcome. Explicit or consented positions assumed by opinion makers and some segments of society are subject to episodic waves of interaction through the media and they permeate to the public in a process that is very complex to be fully understood. The modeling of such process is a very complicated undertaking, and gives no assurance of practical results concerning to what, how and who, should be given prominence in the interactions with the media and the general public. In this context, the risk communication has assumed a leading role and, as a consequence, most of the interaction with the public has been done with both defensive language and content. This study has tried a simple and practical approach to the problem, in such a way as to gather some interesting subsidies to treat this issue in a different way. The basic assumption is that in a similar way as individuals base their decision to acquire a new good or service on a \"intuitive\" cost-benefit judgment, society (as a collection of individuals) also manifest their acceptance (or not) with respect to industrial installations and undertakings by comparing risks and benefits according to their perception. An exploratory survey was carried out in a few high schools, colleges and MBA courses in the state of Sâo Paulo, Brazil. A first part was aimed to catch and understand the public perception of. (a) the Intrinsic value of the electric energy, (b) the need to universalize the access to electricity, (c) nuclear plants, (d) the acceptance deficit of nuclear power as compared to other sources of energy, (e) the benefits a nuclear plant can bring, (f) who does and who does not deserves credibility to speak about nuclear plants. The second part was addressed to grasp a picture of more relevant distortions concerned to the public perception of a nuclear power plant risks. The analysis of the survey results and the utilization of a model inspired by the marketing way of value communication suggest a different approach to the communication with the public concerning to nuclear power plants. In this proposal, named Value Strategy, a matrix of risks vs. benefits is segmented in nine regions, where the central region corresponds to the current situation and the others show the possible (hypothetical) future situations after the installation of a nuclear power plant. There are three favorable regions, inductives of acceptance and three unfavorable ones, or routed to rejection. Based on the understanding of the targeted public, as partially revealed by the survey, different nuances can be emphasized in the communication to maximize its effect, without any detour to ethical behavior. Results also disclose various complementary subsidies to help the communication strategy, mainly regarded to the communication agents and to the more effective argument areas according to factors such as: sex, age ranges and educational level.


benefício benefícios comunicação idéia information dissemination marketing marketing percepção public opinion pública público risco riscos risk assessment risk communication thermal power plants valor

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