Um estudo psicanalítico sobre a maternidade na adolescência: histórias de abandono, violência e esperança na trajetória de três jovens mães / A psychoanalytic study on teenage motherhood: stories of abandonment, violence and hope in the path of three young mothers


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The mother-son relationship is one of the founding elements of the human psyche and it is through this that the child perceives the world around him/her. There are many variables that affect this relationship, for example, personal experience, the inter-and transgenerational legacy and the historical, social, and economic conditions. Given the fragility of the affective bonds today and the difficulty in establishing links that give the feeling of trust, security and stability, this study aims to determine how three young mothers, who experienced several types of violence in their lives, play the maternal role. The participants were in a shelter for young mothers in São Paulo city. Five meetings were conducted with each pair (mother and son) for about one hour, when the relationship between the teenager with her mother and family, her experience with pregnancy and motherhood, her experience with various forms of violence and the bond with her child, were exploited. The psychoanalytic research method was employed and transference and countertransference aspects, which go beyond the verbal communication, were therefore analyzed. The content found can be linked with the Winnicotts ideas. In this study we concluded that the feeling of abandonment and emptiness caused by the absence of a genuine affection is transmitted between generations in the mother-child relationship and frequently has the violence as consequence. The violence stops the process of emotional maturation and the achievement of a sense of real concern to another person. The possibility of restoring ties and continuing the integration process depends largely on the support and assistance (holding) offered to these young mothers. In these three cases, we observed that there is still hope, according to Winnicott\ s concept, to find a meaningful experience of affection, through which it constitutes a genuine feeling of concern and commitment to the other person


adolescent pregnancy donald woods winnicott (1876-1971) donald woods winnicott (1876-1971) gravidez na adolescência mother child relations psicanálise psychoanalysis relações mãe-criança violence violência

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