Um estudo da viabilidade do uso turÃstico do Rio Capibaribe no Recife




This work is dedicated to the study of the current situation of the Capibaribe River, and through a geographical study, aims to analize the viablity of the use of the river for touristic purposes in the city of Recife, in the state of Pernambuco, Brasil. It aims to subside the integrated and sistematic development of entreitainement and leisure activities of that space, and has as the main objective, the sustainable use of the rivers resources. The historical and economical importance of the river in the process of occupation of the state of Pernambuco, asks for the creation of new opportunities for the recuperation of the river, as welll as the economic sectors related to the tourism industry, since it is possible, to find along the riverÂs course, in the city of Recife, inumerous touristic attractions, historical monuments and squares, important marcs in the history of the city. The Capibaribe river has been looked by the public and private sectors and the habitants of that area; and how these factors could have influenced the formation of this urban space has been taken into consideration in this work. Since very little is known about the use of the rivers in the tourism industry, some aspects of this use are mentioned here, in a planned and structured format, through the observation of the activities in the Capibaribe River, and the analizes of the potential of development of this touristic segmentation, the Fluvial tourism. Actions have been developed in this area, besides the suggestion for more concerns with the Capibaribe River, since this river is found, in some areas that are very poluted by organic discharges, covered by mud, and in a general way, neglected by the majority of the population. Considering all these aspects, a qualitative and exploratory research has been done and concluded through documental and bibliographical research, interviews and observation of the environment studied. Aware of the necessity to contribute to the improvement of the life condition of the comunities living in the surrounding area, the surgiment of a new fase was observed in the analizes of the relation between the city and its habitants, and the Capibaribe River, when the valorization of the environmental aspects draws attention to the agressions that have been done to this resource, so important to the scene of Recife, with the surgiment of projects that try to revitalize this natural resource that also belongs to the identity of the city


geografia do turismo turismo fluvial geografia requalificaÃÃo urbana geotourism fluvial tourism urban planning

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