Um estudo comparativo do desempenho das disciplinas de escalona-mento WRR e WFQ no suporte à QoS em ambientes de redes de acesso IEEE 802.16




The incipient technology of wireless access networks of the IEEE 802.16 Standard aggregates to the BWA systems many advantages over concur technologies, such as radio signal wide coverage, even in difficult access regions or needy of conventional infrastructure of network, as the case of some urban and rural areas of Brazil. Moreover, enables access to the Internet in last mile with high transmission rates, attending to the more several requisites of the data, voice and video applications with minor cost in comparison to others available alternatives. Meanwhile, this technology not specifies how the packages or service flows should be the scheduled in the MAC layer. Thus, this study compares the use of mechanisms for scheduling that approximates the ideal GPS scheduler to support the provision of QoS on IEEE 802.16 PMP network. The modeling and simulation based results evidence that the considered mechanisms WRR and WF2Q get good results in the support to the provision of QoS in this network.


ieee 802.16 qos wrr engenharia eletrica scheduling escalonamento sistemas de comunicação sem fio bwa wf2q

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