Um estudo acerca da representação semântico-lexical no modelo da gramática discursivo-funcional


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation aims to present a study on lexical representation, in general, and on the treatment of lexical semantics, in particular, within the framework of Functional Discourse Grammar (HENGEVELD, 2000, 2004a, 2006; HENGEVELD; MACKENZIE, 2006, 2008) using data of Brazilian Portuguese, especially in relation to the syntactic behavior of adjectives regarding their semantic content. Since Functional Discourse Grammar is based on pragmatic adequacy, pursued since the FG by Dik (1978, 1997), which stipulates that the phonological and morphosyntatic configuration, that is, the structural encoding, is a result of pragmatic-semantic representations, our inquiry discussed the role performed by the semantic of lexical items in this model. The reason for this choice is the identification of linguistic phenomena of syntactic encoding, for instance, which are more linked to the semantic content of the lexical items instead of to phrasal or text semantics, that is, compositional semantics. Our point of support for the analysis was the syntactic behavior of Brazilian Portuguese adjectives which is closely related to the sense they present. We collected a corpus of art criticism in Brazilian Portuguese in order to analyze adjectival semantic subclasses that were acting in the examples and the way they were expressed syntactically. The data indicate that the lexical representation in Functional Discourse Grammar would be more precise in terms of explanatory power if it showed the internal organization of the lexicon, which seems to present rules of lexical formation as well as meaning definitions that directly motivate the syntactic behavior of the adjectival lexical items.


lexicografia gramática funcional língua portuguesa semântica análise lingüística

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