Um ensaio psicanalítico sobre as toxicomanias e sua relação com o sujeito do inconsciente




This essay is dedicated to a psychoanalysis study of drug addictions. It takes as base the elaborations of Freud and Lacan on the subject of unconscious and the interactions with substances intoxicants. As these authors havent made any essay specifically about drug addictions, the first chapters contains the necessary references for the constitution of the subject and its division. Then, the focus is aimed at what is evolved in the relation of the addicted and his drug: an radical refusal of the speech, castration and the formations of the unconscious. This operation retakes the Freuds indication which states that the drug would be an exit for the malaise in the civilization. This exit constitutes distinct ethics of the ethics of the desire, necessarily tied with the lack and the castration. Ethics of the bachelor, cynical for definition, as it doesnt pass for the Other. In this point the main Lacans reference is introduced stating that the drug is a rupture with the phallus. Thus, this study situate the drug addiction as a new form of the symptom, distinct of classic formations described by Freud.


falo. division psicologia sujeito subject divisão drug addiction toxicomania phallus.

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