Um encontro com Anna Seghers: tradução, insubordinação, criatividade e a presença do fremd / An encounter with Anna Seghers: translation, insubordination, creativity, and the presence of fremd


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work presents a critical translation of the narrative Die Reisebegegnung (The travel encounter), by the German writer Anna Seghers. Through this translation, the act of translating is discussed, questioning the translation model predominant in the publishing market, which requires fluent texts and in which the foreignness marks become extinguished. This dissertation proposes an alternative to the model: highlighting the foreign aspect of the work instead of trying to delete it, providing the reader with an experience of the foreign text that goes beyond the content and drawing his/her attention to language issues. This procedure gives more room and visibility to the creative work of the translator, made explicit here through the critical apparatus following the translation. Such an alternative is supported mainly by the ideas of Friedrich Schleiermacher, Lawrence Venuti and Antoine Berman, who defend the so-called foreignizing translation, i.e., the one that makes and warrants room for the strange (foreign, fremd) in the target text.


anna seghers anna seghers domesticação domestication estrangeirização foreignization german literature literary translation literatura alemã tradução literária

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