Um diálogo entre a política cultural e a educação não-formal: contribuições para o processo de constituição da cidadania das pessoas com deficiência / A dialogue between cultural policies and non-formal education: contributions to the process of citizenship building for disabled people




This qualitative study aims to establish a dialogue between cultural policies and non-formal education, as well as highlight the importance of this dialogue for the constitution of disabled people as citizens. The low visibility of these people excludes them from public policies and hence a cycle is created in which the lack of services restricts inclusion and then the lack of visibility contributes to the persistence of discrimination (BIELER, 2005). For this reason the State is called upon to create public policies in the case of this study, specifically cultural policies that may break the invisibility cycle, providing these people with a better access to the city, to cultural assets and to community life. The formulation of cultural policies, which seem to favor the promotion of artistic events and activities, does not take disabled people into account. In this study, culture is conceived in a very broad sense, as an element present in every dimension of society, throughout history and in our daily lives. Culture hence is composed of several symbols and meanings based on which people create their own social lives and make sense of their experiences (BRANDÃO, 1995). The pertinence of non-formal education in this connection is due to its intentionality and its flexibility regarding content, places, methodologies and, above all, owing to its main objective, which is the practice of citizenship (GOHN 2005, 2006a). The confinement of disabled people in their homes, generally in the periphery of the cities, is not compatible with the logic of human rights and democracy, which necessarily entails participation, the fight for new rights and the effort to maintain those already instituted (CHAUÍ, 2006; BENEVIDES, 2004). The issue of equal rights for disabled people must be considered as a matter of justice, and parity of participation should be pursued all areas of society. (BENEVIDES, 2004; FRASER, 2007). Being deprived of their cultural rights, disabled people are also limited in their participation in day-to-day life. Without such experiences, the fight against prejudice, the exercise of participation and, above all, the building of a group identity that may evolve into a collective fight (HONNETH) are impaired. The methodology procedure applied to clarify the theoretical foundations was the collection of oral testimonies of some participants in the Projeto Passeando por Sampa Inclui, developed by me at the Subprefeitura da Capela do Socorro, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. By these testimonies it was possible to realize that the engagement in cultural activities and the interaction among the participants in the project have a fundamental role in giving access to cultural assets previously unknown, providing pleasant activities created by new experiences. The elimination of the confinement and the possibility of emancipation were perceived in several degrees, helping these people face prejudice and find in the group the necessary support to deal with their own disability in a better way. These experiences created a necessary encouragement for community life and a valorization of the groups experiences, which caused the emergence of forms of protagonism so diverse as the personal courses of the subjects in life.


cultura direitos humanos deficiência human rights educação não-formal culture non-formal education políticas públicas cidadania citizenship disability public policies

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